"Knight, Death and the Devil" is a renowned copper engraving created by Albrecht Dürer in 1513. This masterpiece is part of a trio of engravings that also includes "Melencolia I" and "St. Jerome in His Study," known collectively as Dürer's Meisterstiche (master engravings).
In this artwork, a noble knight, mounted on a sturdy steed, is depicted traveling through a dark and eerie forest. The knight, dressed in full armor, is accompanied by two unwavering companions: Death, personified as a skeletal figure, and the Devil, a grotesque creature.
Despite the ominous presence of Death and the Devil, the knight maintains a resolute and stoic demeanor, symbolizing the virtues of courage and moral fortitude. The piece explores themes of chivalry, morality, and the human condition, making it a remarkable example of Northern Renaissance art.